8月2日 Midjourney 办公时间的一些信息,比较重要的有:
- V5.3 会在两周内发布,包括局部重绘功能和新风格;
- V6 已经有一个备选方案了,大约还需要几周时间;
- 网站还在开发中;
- 移动应用已经开发完成正在测试;
- 还将提高图象生成速度,目前主要问题是算力不足;
- 仍在等待 Discord 完成图像修复的用户界面;
- 将包括图像修复和一种新风格(审美);
- 发布日期:大概两周左右;
- 已有一个 v6 版本候选方案 – 它更好了,但我们希望在发布前让它更好;
- v6 版本更连贯,视觉更丰富,理解力更强;
- 我们正在努力让 v6 版本对文本更敏感;
- 我们正在等待发布一个更好更大的v6版本, 而不是发布一个更保守的v6版本;
- 发布日期:大约几周时间;
- 正在开发独立网站;
- 目前最大的问题是应该放入多少社交内容以及首页应该做多大的改变;
- 很多东西都在加速改进;
- 正在规划新网站的发布会;
- 移动应用正在测试中;
- 即将推出原生 iOS 应用;
- 即将推出非原生 Android 应用;
- 网站也将适配移动设备;
- 正在思考如何做到这一点;
- 计算速度更快但数量有限;
- 可能在下个月尝试更快的图像生成,使图像生成对于 pro 和 mega 层级的用户更快(没有足够的算力使所有层级的用户都能更快);
任何人(所有层级)现在都可以试用 Turbo 模式,你可以试一试。速度是原来的4倍。
你可以在提示或切换到 turbo 模式时添加 –turbo 或/ turbo。
在 Midjourney 的 Discord 上查看和参与调查;这对他们来说是有帮助的信息 网站将来会有调查,当你参与时,你会获得例如一个免费的GPU小时.
参与调查的URL: https://o9q981dirmk.typeform.com/to/TQR92kmw

本文由推特 @saana_ai 整理, Prompt 语宙简单翻译, 原文:
Midjourney Office Hours – Aug 2, 2023 A quick recap. v5.3 – still waiting on Discord to do the UI for the inpainting – will include inpainting and a new style (aesthetic) – release date: maybe about 2 weeks v6 – had a candidate for v6 – It’s better, but want it even better before the release – more coherent, visually more diverse, better understanding – working on making it more responsive to text – instead of shipping out a more conservative v6, waiting to ship out the much better bigger v6 – release date: about a few weeks Website – working on the stand-alone website – the biggest question at the moment is how much social stuff to put in and how much to change the front page – a lot is getting better – thinking about what the rollout of the new website will look like Mobile App – testing – native iOS app coming – non-native Android app coming – website will also work on mobile! Other Updating their data centers Image generation could still be faster – thinking about how to do this – faster computers but a limited amount – possible try faster image generation sometime in the next month to make image generation a lot faster for pro and mega tier users (don’t have enough computers to make it faster for all tiers) Note. Anyone (all tiers) can try Turbo mode right now, so you can try it. It’s 4x faster. You can add –turbo to the prompt or /turbo to switch to turbo mode. Surveys – check out and participate in the surveys in Midjourney discord; it’s helpful information for them – website will have surveys in the future, and when you participate, you’ll get e.g a free GPU hour – right now, you can participate on Discord Quote from David: “Just make cool stuff.”